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Selectmen's Minutes 12/04/2006

December 4, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Stephen White, William Roach and Richard Leone.  

ABSENT:  Selectman Frederick Gallup.

OTHERS:  Police Chief David Cahill and State Representative Sue Gottling.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Smith at 7:01 PM.


There were no comments from the public.

As there was time before the first appointment at 8 PM, the Selectmen discussed miscellaneous items.

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that Carolyn Townsend, reporter from the Intertown publication, emailed her and told her that she loves to attend Sunapee Selectmen’s meetings.  

William Roach raised the subject of whether or not the town has deeded property to the School Department for the elementary school expansion explaining that he thought the area calculations were used to calculate reimbursement.  Donna Nashawaty explained that it was left up to the School Board to take the initiative to have the documents drawn up to change the property holdings.  She feels that the town should not have to absorb this expense, and to date, no action has been taken by the school.  

Emma Smith brought up the concerns about the new elementary school.  She is going to represent herself at the Wednesday night meeting of the School Board.  Discussion was held about how to work with the School Board to get a plan that the Town could support.  No Board of Selectmen action to be taken at this time


A.  State Representative Sue Gottling

Sue Gottling, recently elected State Representative for Sunapee, was present at the request of the Selectmen.  Emma Smith welcomed S. Gottling and thanked her for
Board of Selectmen
December 4, 2006

attending the meeting.  S. Gottling stated that it was her objective to build a relationship with the Selectmen and learn what she can do for the Town of Sunapee.  She informed the Board that she had until Friday to file bills that the Selectmen would like to see before the House.  The accountability bill needs to be changed before it can go back on the floor.  It was agreed that (d) and #4 needed to be removed and (e) needs to address something else.  The accountability bill would require the Dept. of Revenue Administration to create a form for the counties to fill out.  Each town in any county will then know what they are paying and how much the service is used by residents.  This will also provide each town the amount that any given town in the county is costing the other communities.  Richard Leone raised concern that this may cause a 28A issue which can’t be done.  The 28A issue mandates a cost to any governing body and that is not allowed and the bill may fail on that pretext.  Sue Gottling will check with the attorney in Concord to see if he sees the bill as having any 28A issues.   Sue Gottling will also discuss with the attorney about resubmitting the 2% bill.  She will also keep the Selectmen appraised of when the sessions are being held.  Emma Smith told S. Gottling that she was welcomed to attend any of the meetings of the various boards and committees in Sunapee as she thinks this may be helpful.  


See agenda attached to the file copy of these minutes.


A.  Perambulation – Goshen

Donna Nashawaty read a letter from the Goshen Board of Selectmen requesting that a date be set up for the two towns to perambulate the lines.  The Board asked D.
Nashawaty to respond to the Goshen Selectmen and tell them they will be in touch with them in March or April to set this up.  

B.  Lot Rental – Riverway

Donna Nashawaty explained that the town currently rents four parking spaces next to the old Town Hall from Riverway for $1,100.00 per year.  The Thrift Shop is in the old Town Hall and they still use these spaces.  D. Nashawaty stated she would like to keep
paying rental on the spaces as it makes the property more valuable.  She will add the rental to the General Government  Building budget.

Board of Selectmen
December 4, 2006


Police Chief David Cahill

Motion was made by Richard Leone at 9:00 PM to enter non-public session in accordance with 91-A:3 II (a) dismissal, promotion or setting compensation for public employees.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  Upon role call, the vote was unanimous.  

Motion was made by Stephen White to leave non-public session at 9:45 PM.  The motion was seconded by William Roach.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Motion was made by Stephen White to seal the minutes of the non-public session.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  Upon role call, the vote was unanimous.


Emma Smith informed the Board that she will be calling a meeting of the two members of the Board of Selectmen and two members of the School Board  and 2 members of the BAC after the holidays.


A.  Budget Process

Donna Nashawaty distributed a budget report with expenses to the end of November.  She stated that all budgets are on target.  At the December 18th meeting of the Selectmen, the money for the Planning Board to assist with review of the Master Plan will be discussed.  

Donna Nashawaty reported that the 2007 federal mileage reimbursement rate is 48.5 cents per mile.

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that at the budget meeting on Tuesday, she will be discussing the General Government Building budget, Debt expenditures and revenues.  She will also address questions she has received from the past meetings.  D. Nashawaty will propose a 3.3% COLA increase.  At the December 12th budget meeting, she will present new budget packets with expenditures up to date along with the new COLA
figure.  Stephen White reported that he will not be able to make the December 12th budget meeting.  Emma Smith would like to have a full board present.  It was thought to have the meeting on December 14th at the Safety Services Building.  This  meeting date
Board of Selectmen
December 4, 2006

change will be discussed with the  Budget Advisory Committee at tomorrow nights meeting.  

Stephen White stated that he thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas event at the harbor on Saturday, December 3rd.  He also enjoys the community events such as the fire works on the 4th of July, parades, etc.  S. White stated he would like to address an article in the 2007 Town Warrant for funds to assist in these events.  Donna Nashawaty stated that she liked the spirit of volunteering that is so present in the community.   She enjoys seeing the people pull together voluntarily to put these events on.  

B  Comcast Renewal

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that the Town’s franchise with Comcast (originally Adelphia) will expire on December 31, 2006.  Comcast has sent her a 6 month renewal franchise.  She will forward this to Town Counsel for review

The meeting adjourned at 10:30 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved_____________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                            Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup